Ask yourself…

If your network was down for a week, what would you lose..?

Data Backup

PC Doctors can backup your data on a Network Storage Unit or we can use the cloud for those critical files that you can’t afford to lose.  Data backup is possibly the most important responsibility a business has when regarding files and data.  Many businesses try to pinch pennies here but this isn’t a good area to pass a shallow budget.

Secure your Users

Hackers don’t necessarily aim to break your applications or security, believe it or not, only advanced hackers will get through a well built infrastructure.  It’s normally your users that leave the door wide open to your files, data, and identity.  It’s important to give your users security awareness training and put restrictions in place so that your users only have access to work and only work related things.

Protect your WiFi

Your WiFi is very critical in the process of protecting your users.  Hackers will drive around town and scan for vulnerable WiFi to break into.  Hackers are motivated by many different reason so don’t think this can’t happen to you.  Please, before it too late, have your WiFi check out for any security vulnerabilities.


Boom.  The hacker gets in and it looks like he has access to the data.  Or a sketchy employee accesses the data before being fired and trade it to your competitors in spite of you.  These are some of the many reason why you need to encrypt you data for an extra layer of security.

Become PCI Complaint

When you accept Personal Identifiable Information then you need to be PCI compliment.  Social security numbers, credit cards, etc.  You should take care of any vulnerabilities that could put your users at risk because if you don’t, you could be in for some serious legal fees.

Build a Strong Reputation

When you get hacked, it becomes news.  Whether the hacker brags about it, files get out, or the media picks up on the story and broadcasts out to the world that your business exposed their identity and data.  This is bad, very bad for your business.  We work to prevent this and put tripwires in place to stop attackers in their traps.